Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks
Photos of dishes
Nutrition fact breakdown of each dish
My Fitness Pal Barcode to scan meal into nutrition tracker: helps with accountability
Key Indicator:
helps you identify categories- dishes that are gluten free, dairy free, high protein, quick recipes, low carb, meal prep/freezer friendly, vegetarian, and/or contains nuts
Gut Check Program
Research has shown an elimination diet reduces symptoms in up to 86% of people.
My Gut Check Program is designed to help you reset your gut in order to improve overall functionality, energy and mental health. Any factor affecting the gut, will always affect the mind, and vice versa.
My program reduces gut inflammation in order to allow your body to start digesting foods properly, which invites more energy into the body, allows more eb and flow within your bodily systems, and kicks belly bloat OUT!Try my Gut Check Reset, you'll love it and feel so rejuvenated!
want just a tad bit more info + my other clients results?